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- Short: ST-30 - Sampledisk for Trackerbased Composer Software
- Author: a lot people :)
- Uploader: Finn Jacobs <fjacobs@computerlabor.math.uni-kiel.de>
- Type: mus/instr
- Kurz: ST-30 - Sampledisk fuer auf Trackerbasierende Musikcomposer Software
- This Samplesdisk is one of a big sample library. This big library contains
- of various contents.
- Most of the samples are saved in the IFF-Format, but have no additional ex-
- tension to their filename. The samples not saved in the format mentioned above
- are saved in RAW-Format. I think nearly every Tracker can load this both for-
- mats, so you don't have to get a headache about that ;-)
- The samples on the disks are not sorted to their contents, so I had a fine
- easy job, just copying them to disk, instead of listening and sorting to a
- special directory. I most cases I tried to explain the contents in the file-
- name, e.g. sx-bdrum, sx-vocal, sx-sdrum etc. You see, bdrum means the base-
- drum and sdrum means the snaredrum. You won't have any probs with that, I
- guess, especially when you already composing music. Well, just sampling new
- one would be better for profi composers, but receycling is better, even.
- ============================= Archive contents =============================
- Original Packed Ratio Date Time Name
- -------- ------- ----- --------- -------- -------------
- 6316 4374 30.7% 25-Jun-97 01:09:18 +01brian
- 954 756 20.7% 25-Jun-97 01:09:44 +09bdrum2
- 5050 3614 28.4% 25-Jun-97 01:09:26 +09sdrum1
- 284 260 8.4% 25-Jun-97 01:09:20 +99sound.8
- 4632 2332 49.6% 25-Jun-97 01:09:24 +bassdrum12
- 1142 940 17.6% 25-Jun-97 01:09:24 +basstune1
- 2538 1772 30.1% 25-Jun-97 01:09:26 +basstune2
- 24530 15765 35.7% 25-Jun-97 01:09:20 +btx-qwatt
- 10486 6594 37.1% 25-Jun-97 01:09:24 +btx-string
- 4158 2137 48.6% 25-Jun-97 01:09:20 +buffbd
- 2280 1668 26.8% 25-Jun-97 01:09:22 +buffhi
- 5750 4271 25.7% 25-Jun-97 01:09:30 +buffhibd
- 6676 5090 23.7% 25-Jun-97 01:09:20 +buffhil
- 3090 2147 30.5% 25-Jun-97 01:09:24 +buffring
- 3616 2483 31.3% 25-Jun-97 01:09:18 +buffsnare
- 4606 2103 54.3% 25-Jun-97 01:09:38 +cinema
- 1672 1443 13.6% 25-Jun-97 01:09:34 +dawnbass1
- 3504 2789 20.4% 25-Jun-97 01:09:36 +dawnbass2
- 26698 20869 21.8% 25-Jun-97 01:09:24 +elecguitar
- 4854 2508 48.3% 25-Jun-97 01:09:32 +fq-bass
- 2352 1139 51.5% 25-Jun-97 01:09:36 +fq-bdrum
- 2516 1940 22.8% 25-Jun-97 01:09:32 +fq-chappstone
- 5910 2969 49.7% 25-Jun-97 01:09:20 +fq-glockenklang
- 5654 3154 44.2% 25-Jun-97 01:09:16 +fq-hihatopen
- 2506 1361 45.6% 25-Jun-97 01:09:46 +fq-sdrum
- 1354 953 29.6% 25-Jun-97 01:09:20 +fq-shaker
- 938 735 21.6% 25-Jun-97 01:09:38 +fq-string1
- 2794 1878 32.7% 25-Jun-97 01:09:38 +fq-string2
- 6764 4675 30.8% 25-Jun-97 01:09:20 +fq-supremesdrum
- 1388 1003 27.7% 25-Jun-97 01:09:18 +fq-tom
- 5236 3888 25.7% 25-Jun-97 01:09:26 +fq-voice1
- 4326 2307 46.6% 25-Jun-97 01:09:28 +fq-voice2
- 3110 1853 40.4% 25-Jun-97 01:09:28 +fq-voice3
- 8028 4587 42.8% 25-Jun-97 01:09:18 +geioilsound
- 22968 14964 34.8% 25-Jun-97 01:09:48 +hihat11
- 3606 2553 29.2% 25-Jun-97 01:09:36 +jackbass+hhat
- 1910 1370 28.2% 25-Jun-97 01:09:22 +jackbdrum
- 3618 2579 28.7% 25-Jun-97 01:09:20 +jacksnare
- 1804 1246 30.9% 25-Jun-97 01:09:28 +jackwook
- 13414 7408 44.7% 25-Jun-97 01:09:40 +jambala-bridgebass
- 9922 6124 38.2% 25-Jun-97 01:09:34 +jambala-piano
- 10388 6402 38.3% 25-Jun-97 01:09:42 +jambala-piano2
- 8286 3008 63.6% 25-Jun-97 01:09:28 +jambala-tisobdrum
- 4606 2812 38.9% 25-Jun-97 01:09:18 +jambala-tisobdrum2
- 2478 1649 33.4% 25-Jun-97 01:09:18 +jambala-tisohhat
- 8902 6362 28.5% 25-Jun-97 01:09:40 +jambala-tisohhatopen
- 9394 5541 41.0% 25-Jun-97 01:09:38 +jambala-tisosdrum
- 942 732 22.2% 25-Jun-97 01:09:40 +jambala-zap
- 4820 3877 19.5% 25-Jun-97 01:09:24 +lead1d
- 4598 3723 19.0% 25-Jun-97 01:09:30 +lead1m
- 4380 3583 18.1% 25-Jun-97 01:09:34 +lead1u
- 9582 8824 7.9% 25-Jun-97 01:09:28 +lightning
- 6240 3660 41.3% 25-Jun-97 01:09:44 +mon-pbass
- 1894 1138 39.9% 25-Jun-97 01:09:22 +mon-pbdrum
- 2602 1406 45.9% 25-Jun-97 01:09:44 +mon-phihat
- 5016 3222 35.7% 25-Jun-97 01:09:32 +mon-psdrum
- 12712 9653 24.0% 25-Jun-97 01:09:38 +mon-pstring
- 7840 3814 51.3% 25-Jun-97 01:09:28 +mon-psynth
- 32768 25154 23.2% 25-Jun-97 01:09:16 +omen.das
- 4112 1308 68.1% 25-Jun-97 01:09:34 +para-bass
- 4142 2954 28.6% 25-Jun-97 01:09:44 +para-bassdrum
- 4214 2929 30.4% 25-Jun-97 01:09:42 +para-snare
- 6756 4418 34.6% 25-Jun-97 01:09:26 +para-string
- 840 631 24.8% 25-Jun-97 01:09:44 +para-zapp
- 6446 4623 28.2% 25-Jun-97 01:09:46 +paradox-snare
- 14050 11133 20.7% 25-Jun-97 01:09:26 +paradox-speak1
- 13206 10279 22.1% 25-Jun-97 01:09:26 +paradox-speak2
- 2998 2364 21.1% 25-Jun-97 01:09:36 +percustom
- 7052 5694 19.2% 25-Jun-97 01:09:22 +polysynth4
- 3268 2154 34.0% 25-Jun-97 01:09:22 +qweirdbdrum
- 8734 6885 21.1% 25-Jun-97 01:09:16 +qweirdeguitar
- 4100 3340 18.5% 25-Jun-97 01:09:44 +qweirdhit
- 3380 2584 23.5% 25-Jun-97 01:09:30 +qweirdsdrum
- 9308 4744 49.0% 25-Jun-97 01:09:34 +qweirdstring
- 3202 2181 31.8% 25-Jun-97 01:09:22 +reso-bass1
- 1734 1096 36.7% 25-Jun-97 01:09:20 +reso-bassdrum
- 1628 1028 36.8% 25-Jun-97 01:09:32 +reso-bow
- 982 653 33.5% 25-Jun-97 01:09:26 +reso-clap
- 2214 1578 28.7% 25-Jun-97 01:09:22 +reso-snare
- 1252 1091 12.8% 25-Jun-97 01:09:16 +rotox-bass
- 2132 1600 24.9% 25-Jun-97 01:09:34 +rotox-bdrum
- 2058 1352 34.3% 25-Jun-97 01:09:22 +rotox-beatbass
- 6830 4660 31.7% 25-Jun-97 01:09:32 +rotox-beatbdrum
- 15856 11173 29.5% 25-Jun-97 01:09:44 +rotox-beatsample
- 2088 1483 28.9% 25-Jun-97 01:09:32 +rotox-hhat
- 4160 3482 16.2% 25-Jun-97 01:09:46 +rotox-hit
- 4192 3378 19.4% 25-Jun-97 01:09:46 +rotox-sdrum
- 4990 3624 27.3% 25-Jun-97 01:09:28 +rotox-setupcall
- 10806 6342 41.3% 25-Jun-97 01:09:22 +rotox-stepstring
- 4180 3423 18.1% 25-Jun-97 01:09:40 +rotox-technobass
- 9190 7543 17.9% 25-Jun-97 01:09:18 +rsi-halltomtom
- 6088 4992 18.0% 25-Jun-97 01:09:48 +snare21
- 8930 5765 35.4% 25-Jun-97 01:09:18 +supreme-snare
- 7470 5108 31.6% 25-Jun-97 01:09:34 +thema
- 7300 3607 50.5% 25-Jun-97 01:09:16 +tp-bass
- 1246 734 41.0% 25-Jun-97 01:09:18 +tp-bdrum
- 1554 976 37.1% 25-Jun-97 01:09:32 +tp-bdrum2
- 4018 2363 41.1% 25-Jun-97 01:09:16 +tp-bigtom
- 1512 797 47.2% 25-Jun-97 01:09:18 +tp-hhat
- 1546 787 49.0% 25-Jun-97 01:09:32 +tp-hhat2
- 32696 23973 26.6% 25-Jun-97 01:09:22 +tp-pianostring
- 3180 2276 28.4% 25-Jun-97 01:09:32 +tp-saxophonechord
- 5748 3349 41.7% 25-Jun-97 01:09:18 +tp-snap
- 3616 2374 34.3% 25-Jun-97 01:09:46 +tp-snare
- 3580 2366 33.9% 25-Jun-97 01:09:18 +tp-snare2
- 8790 5831 33.6% 25-Jun-97 01:09:38 +tp-string
- 13218 3691 72.0% 25-Jun-97 01:09:36 +tp-synth
- 10006 6677 33.2% 25-Jun-97 01:09:42 +ttf-piano1
- 12350 5783 53.1% 25-Jun-97 01:09:42 +ttf-piano2
- 16570 12210 26.3% 25-Jun-97 01:09:20 +ttf-string
- 4208 3085 26.6% 25-Jun-97 01:09:46 +turrican-bass
- 2666 1992 25.2% 25-Jun-97 01:09:20 +turrican-bdrum
- 2676 2170 18.9% 25-Jun-97 01:09:16 +turrican-guistop
- 4190 3325 20.6% 25-Jun-97 01:09:18 +turrican-snare
- 7286 5157 29.2% 25-Jun-97 01:09:46 +turrican-sotan
- 4084 3266 20.0% 25-Jun-97 01:09:22 +turrican-string1
- 4218 3231 23.3% 25-Jun-97 01:09:22 +turrican-string2
- 4200 2317 44.8% 25-Jun-97 01:09:22 +turrican-string3
- 4138 2065 50.0% 25-Jun-97 01:09:24 +turrican-string4
- 8874 4207 52.5% 25-Jun-97 01:09:18 +turrican-voice
- 768 654 14.8% 25-Jun-97 01:09:30 +zine-hhat
- 14602 7384 49.4% 25-Jun-97 01:09:42 +Zine-hhatopen
- 8582 5914 31.0% 25-Jun-97 01:09:36 +Zine-snareclap
- -------- ------- ----- --------- --------
- 760412 507314 33.2% 11-Jul-97 16:15:00 123 files